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국제농아인 축구소식

International Deaf Football Team

농아올림픽 제 21회 농아인 올림픽 소식 - Emblem

페이지 정보

작성자글로벌블레싱 댓글 0건 조회 839회 작성일 13-07-09 22:59




The design of the emblem for the 21st Summer Deaflympics Taipei 2009 incorporates the following
three elements: the Chinese character for north "bei" representing the host city Taipei, an ear representing
the Deaflympics, and a figure representing the athletes. These three elements come together to form simple,
flowing calligraphic lines that create a sense of dashing forward, while cleverly evoking the image
of a running man. This lively emblem symbolizes Taiwan’s undying vitality as well as the courageous
spirit of deaf athletes as they meet the challenges of competition.


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